
Hacking Telco equipment: The HLR/HSS

Discover the vulnerabilities of critical telecom infrastructure, HLR and HSS, in this in-depth research. Topics include virtualization, system analysis, SS7/Diameter fuzzing, and binary reverse engineering.

The Home Location Register (HLR) and Home Subscriber Server (HSS) are the cornerstone systems of an operator's core telecom network. They manage critical subscriber data, authentication processes, and service delivery. Despite their importance as part of the telecom industry's "Critical Infrastructure," these systems often have overlooked vulnerabilities that could pose significant risks to operators and their subscribers.

This project delves into the hidden weaknesses of HLR and HSS, shedding light on how attackers can exploit these systems. By understanding these vulnerabilities, telecom operators can better protect their networks and ensure secure communication for billions of users worldwide.

Key Topics Covered:

1. Virtualization of HLR/HSS for Instrumentation Purposes

Learn how virtualization technologies are used to replicate HLR and HSS environments for testing and research. This approach enables deeper insights into system behaviors and the identification of vulnerabilities without compromising live networks.

2. HLR/HSS System Analysis

Explore the architectural design and operational principles of HLR and HSS. This analysis highlights potential weak points in these systems, providing a foundation for strengthening network security.

3. SS7/Diameter Network Fuzzing

Investigate how fuzzing techniques are applied to SS7 and Diameter networks. These legacy and modern telecom protocols connect HLR and HSS to the broader telecom infrastructure, making them prime targets for attackers.

4. HLR/HSS Binary Reverse Engineering

Dive into the binaries powering HLR and HSS systems. Reverse engineering allows researchers to uncover hidden vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and exploitable flaws that attackers might leverage.

Why This Research Matters

  • Protecting Critical Infrastructure: As telecom networks evolve, securing core components like HLR and HSS is paramount to preventing large-scale disruptions and data breaches.
  • Mitigating Threats in SS7/Diameter Protocols: With increased reliance on these protocols, understanding their vulnerabilities ensures stronger defenses against unauthorized access and spoofing attacks.
  • Enhancing Industry Awareness: This research equips telecom operators and security professionals with actionable insights into potential risks, fostering a safer telecom ecosystem.

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Hacking Telco equipment: The HLR/HSS
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